Niantic have announced a large update to Pokémon GO, bringing the release of Generation 8 along with the Dynamax feature from Pokémon Sword & Shield. It will start September 3rd with the season, titled Max Out
New Pokémon will be released in the wild: Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Dreepy, and Stonjourner (UK only). Morpeko was also announced previously but it's not clear when it will be released. It will bring a change to battles, with it being able to change form like the main series games. With the new event starting on the 3rd, Skwovet and Wooloo (which were released a while back) will also appear and can be shiny.
Niantic, in their infinite wisdom, decided to release barely any information about how Dynamax will work in GO. But so far we know that from September 10th, mysterious Power Spots
will appear (possibly taking over existing Poké Stops) in which players can battle Dynamax Pokémon. A new substance Max Particles
will need to be collected to take them on.
Only Pokémon caught from Max Battles can be Dynamaxed. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet, Wooloo will be the first battles available.