New Pokémon Grubbin revealed
Following the Nintendo Treehouse event, a new official video has been released showing Pikipek and Yungoos, plus a new Pokémon, Grubbin. The latter is perhaps an early-route Pokémon that was not...
View ArticleNew Pokémon revealed: Tapu Koko, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Bruxish,...
Several new Pokémon have been revealed in an official video from Pokémon Japan. They are, in order:Tapu Koko, an Electric/Fairy type.Charjabug, a Bug/Electric type.Vikavolt, a Bug/Electric type and the...
View ArticleNew Pokémon officially revealed with English trailer
The Pokémon revealed yesterday in Japan have today been announced with an English trailer. The website has also updated with details on their abilities and new moves, including the koala and dog...
View ArticleNew Pokémon Salandit revealed at Japan Expo
Junichi Masuda was a guest at the Japan Expo in Paris today, and has revealed a new Pokémon. Salandit is the first Poison/Fire type Pokémon, and has an ability Corrosion that allows it to poison any...
View ArticleNew Pokémon 'Kiteruguma' and 'Mimikkyu' revealed in CoroCoro
Two new Pokémon have been revealed in this month's CoroCoro.The bear Pokémon (left) is Kiteruguma and is Normal/Fighting type. It has a new ability Fluffy.The ghost Pokémon (right) is Mimikkyu and is...
View ArticlePokémon GO being rolled out worldwide
Pokémon GO, the augmented-reality smartphone game, is slowly being rolled out worldwide. It was released last week in Australia and New Zealand, followed by the USA just before the weekend. Due to the...
View ArticleMore new Pokémon revealed: Wimpod, Bounsweet, Comfey, Mudsdale, Mimikyu, Bewear
New Pokémon for the upcoming Sun/Moon games have been revealed!The Pokémon are:Wimpod is a Bug/Water type. It has a new ability Wimp Out, which makes it switch out when its HP drops below...
View ArticleNew Pokémon, Alola forms and Z-Moves revealed
New information has been revealed about Pokémon Sun & Moon! Here's the announcement video:First it shows that several older Pokémon have new Alola forms:Exeggutor's new form resembles a palm tree,...
View ArticleNew Pokémon 'Yowashi', 'Shirodesuna', 'Namakobushi', and Alolan forms...
New Pokémon have been revealed in this month's CoroCoro magazine! English translations are due to be announced this Friday. Update 10/8: another new Pokémon has been revealed, continue below for...
View ArticleEnglish names and Alolan Raichu leaked online
Images from an upcoming official announcement video have leaked online. These all appear to be legit but are not 100% confirmed.The fish with the school form is known as Wishiwashi and is Water type...
View ArticleNew Pokémon confirmed: Wishiwashi, Pyukumuku, Morelull, Alolan forms
The new Pokémon and Alolan forms leaked yesterday have now been officially confirmed in a new video:To recap, they are Wishiwashi (Water), Pyukumuku (Water), Morelull (Grass/Fairy), Alolan Meowth...
View ArticleNew Pokémon Turtonator revealed at Gamescom
At the Gamescom trade fair in Germany, a new Pokémon was revealed. It is named Turtonator and is Fire/Dragon type. An official English video has also been released:Turtonator has the ability Shell...
View ArticleNew Pokémon Crabrawler revealed at Pokémon World Championships
The Pokémon World Championships have just got underway and a new Pokémon was revealed in their opening ceremony. Crabrawler is a Fighting type crab and has the ability Hyper Cutter or Iron Fist.UPDATE:...
View ArticleAlolan Rattata & new Z-Moves revealed in Nintendo 3DS Direct
The latest Nintendo Direct has just aired and it revealed a new Alolan form for Rattata. It is Dark/Normal type and has the ability Gluttony or Hustle. It's said that Yungoos was introduced to Alola to...
View ArticleNew Pokémon Type: Null and Jangmo-o revealed
New Pokémon and features for Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon have been revealed in a new video from The Pokémon Company International.New Pokémon revealed:Type: Null is Normal type with the ability...
View ArticleRockruff evolution and more Ultra Beasts revealed
CoroCoro leaked recently and revealed new Ultra Beasts, as well as the secret behind Rockruff's evolution. This was followed up by an official announcement of the new Ultra Beasts:They are UB-02...
View ArticleNew Pokémon Lycanroc, Passimian & Oranguru revealed in latest trailer
A new trailer for Pokémon Sun & Moon has been released, showing version-exclusive Pokémon.Passimian is a monkey Pokémon with a new ability Receiver, which gives it the ability of a teammate when...
View ArticlePokémon Sun/Moon starter evolutions revealed!
A new video has been released by TPCi, showing the second stages of the starter Pokémon in Sun/Moon, as well as new features and an upcoming demo!The starter middle stages are:Dartrix, which remains...
View ArticleAlolan Grimer revealed in CoroCoro
The first page from CoroCoro magazine has been leaked and shows the Alolan Form of Grimer, which is Poison/Dark type.There should be more to come so keep checking back. CoroCoro is due to have more...
View ArticleJangmo-o and Type: Null evolutions revealed in CoroCoro
Following the reveal of Alolan Grimer yesterday, the rest of CoroCoro has now leaked and reveals evolutions for Jangmo-o and Type: Null.Jangmo-o, Jarango and Jararanga (from right to left)Jarango and...
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