The Pokémon revealed yesterday in Japan have today been announced with an English trailer. The website has also updated with details on their abilities and new moves, including the koala and dog Pokémon revealed last month in CoroCoro.
- Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy) is the
Land Spirit Pokémon
. It has a new ability Electric Surge that creates an Electric Terrain on the battlefield. It also knows Natures Madness, which reduces the foe's HP by half. - Charjabug (Bug/Electric) is the
Battery Pokémon
and the evolution of Grubbin. Its ability Battery raises the power of allies' Special moves. - Vikavolt (Bug/Electric) is the
Stag Beetle Pokémon
and the evolution of Charjabug. Its ability is Levitate. - Drampa (Normal/Dragon) is the
Placid Pokémon
. It has the ability Sap Sipper, or the new ability Berserk. - Bruxish (Water/Psychic) is the
Gnash Teeth Pokémon
. It has the ability Strong Jaw, or the new ability Dazzling, which prevents the opponent from using high-priority moves like Quick Attack or Extremespeed. - Cutiefly (Bug/Fairy) is the
Bee Fly Pokémon
. Its ability is Honey Gather or Shield Dust. - Togedemaru (Electric/Steel) is the
Roly-Poly Pokémon
. It has the abilities Iron Barbs or Lightning Rod. - Komala (Normal) is the
Drowsing Pokémon
. It has a new ability Comatose which prevents all status conditions except Sleep. - Rockruff (Rock) is the
Puppy Pokémon
. It has the abilities Keen Eye or Vital Spirit.