Hope everyone is enjoying Pokemon Black and White 2! I've just added a few more details and corrections to our pages:
- A Medals page, detailing every one of the 255 Medals available in the game and how to obtain them.
- List of TMs with their locations in BW2. We are working through this to add even more detailed locations.
- Pokedex descriptions for BW2 are now in the Pokedex. These were taken direct from the game so are actually correct, unlike most other sites.
- The Black/White 2 Pokedex has been fixed to include Genesect. Turns out they lied to us and there are 301 Pokemon in the new Unova dex, not 300 ;)
- Official Genesect artwork added to its Pokedex page.
- EV yields updated for the new forms in BW2.