We're a little late since I have just been on holiday for two weeks, but the new Pokemon games - Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 - have been released this past week! They include new areas of Unova, new characters, a local Pokedex of 301 Pokemon from all generations, and an epic plot! Absolutely worth getting as soon as possible.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. Additionally, the mythical Pokemon Genesect (see Pokedex) is available at launch from a wifi event. It is level 15 and has the moves Magnet Bomb, SolarBeam, Signal Beam and its signature move Techno Blast. Simply go to Mystery Gift in the menu then Receive via Nintendo WFC. It is only available until November 12th, so get it while you can!
And that's not all! If you own a 3DS you can download two new Pokemon apps. The first is Pokemon Dream Radar, an Augmented Reality game that allows you to capture Pokemon as if they were right in front of you! The game also allows capture of the legendary Pokemon Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their new Therian Forme. You can trade them to your Black 2 or White 2 game, then use a new item called the Reveal Glass to keep them in that form.
The second 3DS app is Pokedex 3D Pro, an upgraded version of the free Pokedex 3D that was released last year. It contains all 649 Pokemon viewable in 3D and plenty of details on their moves, abilities, etc.