Pokemon Origins reveals second Charizard Mega-Evolution
The Pokemon Origins anime special has just finished airing in Japan and revealed a big surprise - there are two Mega-Evolutions of Charizard! The first one that was already revealed is Mega Charizard...
View ArticleSwirlix and Spritzee evolutions revealed
Two new Pokemon have surfaced in a Japanese pamphlet, and were later confirmed officially by Nintendo. They are evolutions of Swirlix and Spritzee, and remain pure Fairy type. They are known as...
View ArticleMega Tyranitar and Mega Aggron revealed by CoroCoro
October's CoroCoro has been released and confirms Mega Evolutions for Tyranitar and Aggron. Mega Tyranitar stays Rock/Dark type and keeps its Sand Stream ability. Mega Aggron on the other hand loses...
View ArticleMajor glitch discovered in Pokemon X&Y - don't save outside in Lumiose City!
UPDATE: Nintendo have released a patch for this now, which can be downloaded from the eShop. If your game glitched, downloading the patch will allow you to continue without resetting.A major bug has...
View ArticleNew Pokémon and potential Mega Evolutions discovered in X&Y
Several new Pokémon and forms have been discovered by 3DS hacker Smealum. These are unconfirmed rumours at this point, but look very likely. Three new Pokémon appear to be event legendary Pokémon:#719...
View ArticleCelebi distribution for Pokémon Bank users
The online Pokémon storage service, Pokémon Bank, is launching on Decmeber 27th. In the latest Nintendo Direct, it was revealed that anyone using the service before September 30th 2014 will be...
View ArticlePokémon Bank delayed due to high demand
Pokémon Bank, the new service that will let you store Pokémon online and move them between games, has been delayed. It was released Christmas Day in Japan and immediately saw huge demand, making the...
View ArticleGoogle Maps adds ability to capture Pokémon
The Google Maps app for iOS and Android has added a new feature that allows you to hone your Pokémon-capturing abilities. At Google, they value employees who are risk-taking and detail-oriented, have...
View ArticleNew games announced: Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!
Nintendo have announced a new pair of games for 3DS, to be released November 2014. They are remakes of the third-generation games Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire which were released in 2003.These...
View ArticleNintendo Wi-Fi Connection on DS games to shut down
Just realized I forgot to post this a few weeks ago :/Nintendo has announced that as of May 20th 2014 (tomorrow!) the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, as used by the Nintendo DS, will no longer be active....
View ArticleNew Mega Evolutions revealed in CoroCoro
Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed new Mega Evolutions and features from the upcoming Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.Sceptile and Swampert will get Mega Evolutions, so along with Blaziken...
View ArticleNew Ruby/Sapphire footage revealed at E3
Nintendo held a Digital Event at the E3 expo and have revealed some new footage from upcoming games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!The trailer shows a boy entering a cave and discovering cave painting...
View ArticleMega Sableye revealed for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
The official Pokémon channel on YouTube have released another teaser for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. This video features another new Mega Evolution - Mega Sableye!Mega Sableye appears to...
View ArticleNew OR/AS gameplay trailer, featuring Megas
Following straight on from the recent Mega Sableye teaser, the Pokémon Company have released another short gameplay trailer!This one focuses on Pokémon already revealed: Mega Sceptile, Mega Blaziken,...
View ArticleSecret Bases confirmed for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
It has been confirmed that Secret Bases, one of the most popular features of Ruby/Sapphire, will return in the remakes Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as Super-Secret Bases with many additional...
View ArticleMega Metagross revealed in CoroCoro
The latest issue of CoroCoro has leaked and confirms that Metagross will gain a Mega Evolution in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. It will be used by Steven Stone, who was the champion of the Hoenn...
View ArticleMega Metagross details confirmed
Nintendo have now confirmed details for Mega Metagross, which was recently leaked via CoroCoro.Upon Mega-Evolving, it gains the ability Tough Claws and remains Steel/Psychic type. Its Speed is greatly...
View ArticleFancy Pattern Vivillon available until end of July
Totally forgot to post this a few weeks ago, but a new Pokémon event is currently active! Since the GTS in Pokémon X/Y reached 100 million trades, a new Vivillon pattern has been released.This one is...
View ArticleNew events for PokeBall pattern Vivillon and Pinsir/Heracross
We already tweeted about this but here's a little more detail. The new online Pokemon merchandise store, PokemonCenter.com is now open, and to celebrate they are giving away the special...
View ArticleNew Mega Evolutions for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire revealed
Three new Mega Evolutions have been revealed! They are Mega Altaria, Mega Salamence and Mega Lopunny and will be available in the upcoming remakes Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.Mega Altaria changes to...
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