The newest games in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet are starting to be released around the world! As usual we are busy cataloguing all the new information for the games such as new Pokémon, moves, abilities and locations.

The home page and top-level Scarlet/Violet page will not contain spoilers,and the new Pokémon will not be shown on pages such as the National Pokédex for two weeks. However, following links from the SV section will show the new information. Also on PokéBase there is a button on the right hand side to hide questions tagged scarlet-violet
Here are some links to notable pages:
- Scarlet/Violet Pokédex
- The new Pokémon, with stats
- New moves introduced
- Gym Leaders & Team Star Bosses
- TM locations (work in progress!)
- Pokémon locations (early draft, still a work in progress!)