It's been a while since I posted about any updates to the site but minor amendments are always being done, particularly for ongoing games like Pokémon GO. And over the past few months a few larger changes have been made.
The biggest is a complete overhaul of the egg move parents section. Previously we only had one page per Pokémon which showed the latest game, and omitted alternate forms which can have different egg moves. It worked well enough in the past as the details didn't change much across generations, but with recent games having limited Pokédexes (Pokédices?) it was becoming less and less helpful. So this content has now been expanded for each set of games and moved to the bottom of the moves by generation
page, with tabs for alternate forms.
The second new page is a Pokémon text list generator. It's a simple tool to grab a plain text list of Pokémon. There are various options to show forms, types and base stats, or filter by generation/type. The output can be pasted into a spreadsheet or a text editor for further analysis/manipulation. Give it a try and let us know what you think!