Four Galarian Forms from Pokémon Sword & Shield are available for players over the next four weeks! Galarian Mr. Mime, Ponyta, Corsola, and Meowth can be downloaded in-game using Mystery Gift > Get via Internet. A set of items can also be obtained each week.

The abilities and items are:
- May 22nd to 28th: Galarian Mr. Mime with the ability Ice Body, and the items Lure Ball, Moon Ball, Heavy Ball, Dream Ball.
- May 29th to June 4th: Galarian Ponyta with the ability Anticipation, and the items Level Ball, Fast Ball, Love Ball, Friend Ball, Beast Ball.
- June 5th to 11th: Galarian Corsola with the ability Cursed Body, and the items Sweet Apple, Tart Apple, Chipped Pot, Cracked Pot, Sachet, Whipped Dream.
- June 12th to 18th: Galarian Meowth with the ability Unnerve, and the items Exp. Candy L x100, Big Nuggets x50.
Be sure to get these gifts while you can!