Following the reveal of Alolan Grimer yesterday, the rest of CoroCoro has now leaked and reveals evolutions for Jangmo-o and Type: Null.

Jangmo-o, Jarango and Jararanga (from right to left)
and Jararanga
(Japanese names) are the evolutions of Jangmo O and are Dragon/Fighting type.
The evolution of Type: Null is Silvadi
(Japanese name). It has an ability AR System
which works very similarly to Arceus' Multitype, allowing Silvadi to change its type based on a held item called Memory
. It also has a new attack that changes type based on the Memory.
There is more information due to be revealed tomorrow (Friday at 6m PT / 9am ET / 2pm BST / 10pm JST), so we may get the English names for all of the above.